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GBA Pharma Labs (Member of GBA Group) are announcing their new "state-of-the-art" building in Neuried, located in the west of Munich, where their nearby sites Graefelfing and Martinsried, will be merged.

Facts & Features:

  • relocation is scheduled for the 1st Quarter of 2022
  • Neuried is close to our previous locations
  • Uninterrupted operations during relocation
  • Laboratory area will be increased to 2,400 m2
  • Total area will be doubled to 6,000 m2
  • Our portfolio will remain unchanged at the new location
  • Through bundling we can expand our capacities. e.g. our capacities for handling highly active substances such as cytostatics will be more than doubled

We thank our customers who have accompanied us over the past 10 years in our integration and harmonization process to establish our network of GMP laboratories. We hope you are as excited as we are about this project and we will continue this journey together. We will continue to provide a global quality management system with harmonized processes and high end digitalization in a uniform appearance from a single source at our future location Neuried. For any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us at